September 17, 2009

Finding Coupons

There are a multitude of places where coupons can be found. Here are the places I go to get my coupons.

1) Sunday Paper ... I always check the coupons first and then buy anywhere from 2 to 15 papers depending on the selection of coupons.

2) My Points ... I print coupons from My Points because I also receive points for my account when I redeem those coupons. I mark the My Points coupons with a "dot" to indicate which coupons will give me points. It is FREE to join My Points.

3) Red Plum ... Print coupons directly from your computer.

4) Smart Source ... Print coupons directly from your computer.

5) The Grocery Game ... Teri's Coupon Center is a great source for getting coupons.

6) Visit any company's website to search for specific coupons that may be available. Most companies have coupons that can be printed from your computer. There are too many companies to list them all. However, I have gotten coupons from General Mills, Kellog's, and other companies.

7) All You magazine ... This magazine has tons of coupons inside. You can also visit the website to print coupons from your computer. This magazine can be purchased at Wal-Mart or subscribed to receive at your home.

8) Publix Publications ... Sign up for all of the Publix magazines to receive exclusive coupons in the mail. These coupons are not included in the magazines found in the store.

9) Kroger ... Sign up on the website to receive "preferred customer" mailings with very valuable coupons. Kroger also has THREE links where coupons can be downloaded directly to your shopper card for free. The good thing about loading coupons on your card is that you can also use paper coupons to increase your savings.

10) Check the turnstiles at the front of your store to see if there are any special coupons to be found. Publix often has extra coupons from manufacturers on their turnstile. If you do not have Publix and Kroger in your area, check with your local stores to see where they hide their coupons. Most stores have some form of communication center where you can find goodies.

11) You can purchase coupons from Ebay or from Mom. Keep in mind that when you purchase coupons in this manner, you are not paying for the coupon. You are paying for the time it takes to cut those coupons and get them ready to be delivered to your door.

12) Here are a few other links where coupons can be found.
Coupon Mom


Petula said...

I will be glad when I get another printer because I am missing out on printing a lot of coupons!